yard sale FUN!

Here we are back in Jacksonville! Settling in is a never ending task. As such-we are having a HUGE yard sale this weekend. Of course, we choose the hottest week of the year ( or at least it seems that way)! Anyway, I found this website for yard sale-ing while working with the PTO at […]

The Grass is just Fine

“I can live without it,” was my immediate thought upon finishing a piece of homemade chocolate cake covered in thick buttercream and filled with oreo crème. You see, I’ve spent the past month dodging everything that might contain even the slightest amount of dairy. This means no biscuits, no chocolate, no ice cream. I know […]

Thank you

I’ve been a little overwhelmed. Our latest “adventures” seem to all be medically related in some form or fashion. 2 stomach bugs, Baby Bear’s bout with pneumonia, colds, and on a happier note, a new pregnancy are all part of this year’s excitement. I’ve gotten over the morning sickness hurdle (always nice), and had moved […]

Expired Yogurt and Toilet Brushes

A couple months ago I bought some yogurt to use for my healthy baking. Of course healthy baking didn’t happen because of (Insert Excuse Here). The yogurt, though expired, had not yet been opened. So it’s still good, right? Plus it was only over it’s expiration date by about a week or so. I don’t […]